Sunday, March 6, 2016


Had to animate at least 8 images into a 3D Pop Up Animation using After Effects and Premiere Pro. I chose to animate some of the images that I created this semester in Illustrator.

Thoughts:  At first I tried making it look like an actual book opening up to a pop up scene, but that wasn't working for me, I tried looking everywhere for a tutorial but found nothing, so I went with what you see here. Not exactly what I imagined, but I feel it turned out alright.

Lesson Learned:  How to make images appear to POP out of the ground. I also learned to play around with camera angles, shadows, and lighting in After Affects. I think I need some more practice with lighting and shadowing stuff at the right angles.

On the plus side, I am still interested in learning more of the Pop Up Effect and want to finish trying to put together my first scene that is more storybook style. 

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