Saturday, March 12, 2016

Green Marbles Animation

Created this Animation using a tutorial from Created the marbles and animated them in After Effects, added music and titles in Premiere Pro.

Thoughts:  I really liked the marble effect instead of the glass.

Lesson Learned:  There was so much that I learned that I can't quite remember everything. I did this twice with different textures and I learned to not have a white color in the actual orb as it glows to bright.

On the plus side, I found this project kinda fun and liked the effects so it makes me want to keep playing around with these tutorials and create more stuff.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Google Slide Show

Created an Interactive Info Graphic Google Slide Show with 5 buttons with different information for each slide. Created images in Illustrator then brought them into Google Slides and made an infographic about the 5 elements of a Pentagram.

Thoughts:  Simplicity at its best.

Lesson Learned:  After multiple attempts at getting my first image to fit correctly within the screen and going back and forth trying to resize it to fit better, I started clicking on all the options until I was finally able to change the size of the document.

On the plus side, clicking on all the options showed me all the options available, so I got a better understanding of what the program can and can't do.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Packaging Layout

Created an InDesign packaging example for a local company called RimRock Manufacturing. The company requested a two sided insert to be placed into a product named Spool Saver.

Thoughts:  Wish the instructions were a little less confusing.

Kind of hard to make an instruction sheet if you don't know what the instructions are.

Lesson Learned:  How to make an insert, and how to print on both sides of the paper. I also learned that some instructions that you get from a company can be really confusing and not all there.

On the plus side, this company is going to pick the design they like and one of the student designers will get to see their design being used in an actual product out there on the shelves.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Had to animate at least 8 images into a 3D Pop Up Animation using After Effects and Premiere Pro. I chose to animate some of the images that I created this semester in Illustrator.

Thoughts:  At first I tried making it look like an actual book opening up to a pop up scene, but that wasn't working for me, I tried looking everywhere for a tutorial but found nothing, so I went with what you see here. Not exactly what I imagined, but I feel it turned out alright.

Lesson Learned:  How to make images appear to POP out of the ground. I also learned to play around with camera angles, shadows, and lighting in After Affects. I think I need some more practice with lighting and shadowing stuff at the right angles.

On the plus side, I am still interested in learning more of the Pop Up Effect and want to finish trying to put together my first scene that is more storybook style. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

4 Page WordPress Site

Created this site using WordPress. Had to create a four page site, so I threw in alot of my artwork from the last year. You can check it out here.

Thoughts: Turned out pretty good, except that I don't like how the header jumps around when switching from one page to another. I had them all different at one point, but they jumped around even more, so I made the header the same throughout, but still jumpy. Hmmm....

Lesson Learned: I learned the basics of a free wordpress site. Learned how to make pages and import in videos.

On the plus side, I got a little intro to my internship site, and making the navigation bar is so much easier in WordPress compared to Dreamweaver. I still prefer Dreamweaver tho.

Hyperlapse Animation

Attempted to create a Hyperlapse Animation by taking over 200 photos and pulling them into After Effects and playing around with the warp stabilizer, I then brought them into premiere pro to add in some titles and music.

Thoughts:  So not excited about the outcome, I tried for hours to get them to stabilize and stuff, but I'm thinking my pics were just crap. I shouldn't take pics in the rain. I don't understand this type of animation, when one could just record a movie..... 

Lesson Learned:  I did learn about the warp stabilizer and played around with coloring of video and stuff I haven't noticed before. I learned this type of animation is not for me.

On the plus side, I'm done and got this turned in on time!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

2D Zeotrope Animation

Created this ANIMATION using Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro. Had to cut out a bunch of slats in Illustrator, then pull those images into After Effects to ANIMATE, then into Premiere Pro to put in some sound effects.

Thoughts:  I don't know about anyone else but this type of art hurts my eyes to watch, let alone stare at and animate it. I wish I could have been a little more creative with this piece but my eyes hurt . . .

Lesson Learned:  I learned about actions in Illustrator that helps make this process a little quicker.

On the plus side, I don't have to stare at little slats of black and white anymore!

The Wall Card Game

Created these cards using various techniques, recently learned in  Illustrator and Photoshop. We had to create a Wall card, Damage card, Reinforcement card and a Card Back Design.

Card Back
Wall Card

Reinforcement Card 
Damage Card

Lesson Learned:  READ the assignment first, I keep reminding myself this almost every post, but continue to fail on that department! Had a scheme going and designed a bunch of lego-like designs, then read they had to be earth materials.

On the up side, I now have some lego designs I could play around with!

Shape Layer Animation

Started this ANIMATION in After Affects using only shape layers, played around with some of the add-ins to create my vector shapes, afterwards I pulled the videos into Premiere Pro and slapped some sound effects in from

Thoughts:  I was sucked into my own animation . . . .

Lesson Learned:  This was pretty confusing for me at first, so I looked up a tutorial that showed me some new stuff, like how to alt + click to type in my wiggles and rotations.

On the plus side, shape layers make some cool animations!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Slam Book Covers

Created these Covers for the Slam Book using both Photo Shop and Illustrator. I chose to go with Pop Art and some art work I created using the Drawing Tablet.

Thoughts:  Pretty happy with the Pop Art cover, it was fun to make, even after I had to fill in each square you see in the background. My fuzzy bear, well, that just kinda happened, so I went with it!

Lesson Learned:  More practice with making Pop Art and learning all the tools that help with the process, the same goes for my fuzzy, I played around more with my Drawing Tablet.

On the plus side, I learned about and how to make folios / motifs.

Drawing Tablet

Created this little guy using a Drawing Tablet in Illustrator. Found a set of brushes, modified them a bit, then he arrived! 

Thoughts:  New Character for my upcoming cartoon, One Rat at a Time!

Lesson Learned: How to use the drawing tablet, confused at first and created a lot of junk. This guy was a happy accident once I figured it out.

On the plus side, I now have me a new friend to play with and he inspired me to add more story line to my cartoon.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

jQuery Photo Gallery

Created a Photo Gallery using Dream Weaver with a jQuery Photo Gallery. Images done in Photo Shop and then put them all in the right folders. Played around with some coding then uploaded to the site.

Thoughts:  Neat way to display some of my art creations from the past year. Enjoy making websites.

Lesson Learned:  Got a refresher for Dream Weaver and learned how to use another piece of jquery.

On the plus side, I can update this and link this site into another site that I plan on building.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Twilight Zone

Started out by making graphics in Photo Shop and Illustrator, borrowed a couple of pics from Pixabay. The pics were pulled into After Affects, where I was able to make multiple compositions to animate several different pieces. Once I composed the video, it was brought into Premiere Pro where I was able to play around with some soundtracks. (Go to sleep)

Thoughts:  My dreams tend to be filled with the most random things, so this was kinda fun to make.

Lesson Learned:  Making lots of compositions inside of one another was easier than I thought. It did help out in saving time. I also found that if you make a mistake in a comp that was embedded inside another comp, that it is a little harder to go back and find it.

On the up side, I now have my very own version of the Twilight Zone Intro!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Logos - Fishing + Outdoors

Had to create two logos for a local start-up business using 2 colors at the most. They wanted a fishing theme and an outdoors theme. Designed the logos using Illustrator.

Thoughts:  Made them very basic, for some reason I kept thinking about stitching.

Lesson Learned: Making logos, not easy. Research them and get to know their product, services and persona!

On the plus side, I get to look forward to seeing this companies products out there on the shelves!

Fonts - Capital Letters

Created these CAPITAL letters for a font set called Ribbony. Designed them using Illustrater with a brush that I made. Then pulled in each letter to Font Creater to make a ttf file.

Thoughts:  Interesting outcome, excited to see what concepts I can conjure up, using my very own text!

Lesson Learned:  Watch the ENTIRE video before starting project. Had to redo the entire thing due to the little curve ball at the end.  ( do not paste in small letters ).

On the plus side, plenty of practice with the new program, and with the copy and paste commands.

Vinyl Stickers

Created these designs in Illustrator, then transferred the files into the Vinyl Cutter program and the machine cut them out for me. Pulled off the excess vinyl, covered them with transfer tape and put the sticker onto the bottom of my bookshelf.

Thoughts:  Brings a little POP into the corner of my bookshelf, it's no longer just white and boring,

Lesson Learned:  READ the assignment first! I had 2 colors instead of 3 colors, so I had to create another sticker.

On the up side, now my notebook got itself a little POP and I got more practice with the machine.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Animated PS Brushes

This short video was created by using Photoshop brushes and filters, then animated in After Effects. Threw in a few sounds effects from (thank you!) and added the title in Premiere Pro.

Thoughts:  Makes me Wanna go WILD! Who wouldn't want to go climb a tree in the snow and play ball with a wolf?

Lesson Learned:  Be VERY CAUTIOUS when downloading Photoshop brushes. You can get a virus, I did. If I knew which file it was the virus came in I would share that info, but I tend to download a few at the same time. Never Again!

On the plus side of that, I made a few of my own Photoshop brushes, including the WILDLIFE one I used in this video. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Who is MistieLynn?

Mistie Lynn is a Digital Design student at Pierce College.

She enjoys creating things and is excited to learn how to make her imagination come to life.

Mistie started her career out in Behavior Modification working with troubled teens and later found herself working in Mental Health, where she was introduced to a new type of therapy that was based on healing art.

Fascinated by the benefits of Art Therapy, she decided to follow her heart and help those in need creatively release their flow of emotions into works of art.

Her career goal is to one day become an Art Therapist.